Financial Assistance
soundSCAPE offers multiple options for financial assistance to make our festival accessible to the next generation of contemporary musicians.
The festival awards a limited number of half tuition fellowships to outstanding performance applicants.
European Festival Discount
Attending another European Festival in Summer 2025? Email us proof of your attendance, and we will discount your soundSCAPE tuition by $150.
Pre-Formed Ensembles
Pre-formed Ensembles will receive a per player discount of $500 per person for a duo, $600 per person for a trio or $800 per person for a quartet. Ensembles will perform a minimum of three premieres, commissioned by soundSCAPE of attending composers.
Instrument-Based Tuition Reduction
Participants without an instructor for their instrument (i.e. conductors, etc.) will receive a tuition reduction.
Participants can work to subsidize tuition cost during the festival. Positions will be available for stage hands, social media management, and taking photos documenting the festival. Please note your skills in your application and your desire to work during the festival.
Work Study Role Descriptions:
Please note when applying which roles you might be interested in.
Concert Production
Work study participants assigned to concert production will assist with the logistical needs for the festival’s daily concerts. This includes:
Huddling in Bartok Hall 20 minutes prior to each concert to review stage diagrams with the assigned stage manager.
Ensuring that the concert hall remains clean of any trash and debris, and that the audience chairs are neatly lined up.
Sitting in the front of the audience and assisting with all necessary stage changes throughout the concert - including chair and music stand placement, piano placement, and assisting percussionists as needed.
Each member of the Concert Production team will be assigned as Stage Manager on a rotating basis. For concerts you are stage managing, please attend all dress rehearsals for that concert and create a stage diagram for each piece to be shared with your team. Sample stage diagrams will be provided.
Meals Assistant
The Meals Assistant will be responsible for communicating with festival participants daily to take note of if a participant will not be attending a certain meal at the Hindemith Center. We are required to provide daily numbers to the center for each meal so that they can provide the right amount of food. The Meals Assistant will also be responsible for managing a provided list of participant’s dietary restrictions and liaising with staff at the Hindemith Center should any issues arise around this.
Social Media
This role will manage soundSCAPE’s Instagram and Facebook throughout the festival. You will be responsible for regularly posting pictures and videos that you take throughout the festival, writing descriptions for these posts, tagging faculty and participants, and utilizing special functions such as stories.
Website Media
This role will be responsible for taking archival photographs and videos throughout the festival, to be uploaded to a Google Drive. From there, you will assist in developing a blog page on our website for the 2025 festival, as well as selecting media to be used as marketing materials on our website.
Reach out to ad.soundscape@gmail.com with any questions!